Is it hard? To enter the world? The energy flows and the light of the stars makes you dizzy. The highways drag you from one place to the next, and it's all.....dizzy. To say the least.
Did I not show myself yet? Such persistence. The colours are all over the place. That's it, the colours! It's the colours that fit, they swirl and they turn, and the water gets them going and going and going. That's it. The colours.
Colours, lines, the flows that keep on going. Millenia passed, millennia will pass, the gates we used to stand on, a rock in the landscape. Why is reality nothing but a dream, if a dream is nothing more than a reality.
Who can say what is real and what is not -- nobody. The dreamer might have a say, but.... then again, they never do. It's just a cycle of images in reality.